Those are some incredible stories about your experiences and connections with the Twin Towers. Thanks for sharing those.

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You're welcome, Paul. Thrilled you appreciated those. They mean a lot to us.

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Did the Feds censor the feed at 18:11 after the Rumsfeld remark? That’s on-brand for them, I guess. 😳

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Another great episode, thank you. This outshines the best of the real vision daily format with its blend of a market overview, off-market topics, backed up by good friend chemistry. Y’all are clearly having fun with it. I also appreciate the complete lack of any pumps and treating this audience as grownups. Great job fellas, keep em coming.

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Ditto. They do a great job. Far better than RV.

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Gold hits JD buy while I’m listening lol

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faukin things up a rope.

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Great comments on wrestling and training

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Another great episode! Love the baseball talk. Milton Bradley and Mel Hall. They both played on the Indians and I remember the batting glove in the back pocket. True characters of the game.

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I don't understand how as conservatives you can be so pro trump. He is the opposite of a conservative. He has no dignity, no values, doesn't care about the US but only his own ass. Forget policy, he doesn't represent conservative values. Hush money, grabbing women by their private parts. Come one. No respectable conservative can really make the case for Trump. Not if you belong to the old conservative America values guard.

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He's conservative because he doesn't support endless wars, open borders, decimation of cities, defunding the police, weaponized justice systems, runaway inflation, or the climate hoax that you've obviously fallen for.

Re the "grabbing women" bullshit - not everyone is as soft as you Yair, you have to understand. You've never been in a locker room. You've probably never had much of a dose of type A guys just being guys around you, and that being ok. Just a matter of perspective Sweat Pea. Toughen up or ship out.

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"Toughen up or ship out." Sounds like horseshit. If you can't take position such as arguing and understanding with clarity all the factors that make Trump great as well as the factors that make him horrible then what we have is left is an echo chamber.

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seriously - draw a circle on yourself where Trump's words hurt you.

And then think about a family who lost someone to a migrant and tell me who the evil president is. Utter clown show.

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Well said TG, I have nothing to add!

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I appreciate the support.

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From my vantagepoint across the pond: The UK corporate media hate Trump and spend as much time as possible trying to poison opinion against him, but not all of us fall for that bollocks.

While Trump is not optimal and honestly it's often hard to get through his speeches. Tony is spot on about his policies he clearly wants the best for America and he has got some great people around him advising him. Vivek Ramaswamy, JD Vance, RFK Jr, Tulsi gabbard just to name a few.

Kamala is just another glove puppet for the war pigs that sit behind the Dems these days. She just represents more of the same endless wars, open borders, crime infested cities, wasteful government spending and probably more unfunded bills.

You don't have to love Trump to prefer his path for the future. The choice is pretty clear from where I'm sitting.

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Kris that's a fair and balanced comment that would have gotten eggs thrown at it in 2019. The choice is clear from where Americans sit too.

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I think the "boys will be boys" ethos went out when your boy said "Grab em by the ..." It's 2024 dude, most guys recognize the misogyny whether they agree with it or not. The least you can do is show your subscribers some respect..you know, the bill that pay your bills lol

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conservative policies <> conservative/christian values. I don't look to my government elected government representatives to be my Pope or personal Jesus. When stuff is broke, want them to shake the box. Only an outsider can reasonably have a chance. Read Peter Narvarro's scathing critique of Trump's first term. He was surrounded by the swamp and the swamp crippled him. Trump's attempt at a second term is the worst outcome for the political elite, both conservatives and liberals. PS. I don't want my kids to grow up to be Trump.

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You just answered your own question, Yair: “forget policy”.

NO, this is the Presidency of the USA; Policy is the primary factor worthy of decision. Did you not pick up on that the last 3+ years?

We’re not voting for dinner guests. It’s about decisions that affect hundreds of millions, if not billions, globally. The leftist cabal has continued to fray society & you want to continue that process?

Grow a set & remember that the MSM lies to you continually, as demonstrated by your “grabbing women” comment. Locker room banter secretly recorded is not an admission, FFS.

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well said.

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These ideas about policy being more important that presidential character are bullshit and you know it. When Clinton was engaging in sexual acts with someone who is not his wife, every Republican in the country was screaming "family values!". Now you don't care about it? Horseshit. You do. But you can't say anything because of the cognitive dissonance that it will create in your brain. I'm a proud Republican. Right of center conservative. And because of that I would never vote for Trump. He is the opposite of what Republicans are and stand for. Your hate for the other side is fogging your ability to see what a horrible and unfit person Trump is. Grow up.

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Weak sauce, dude. Re-read what you wrote.

You admit, by deductive reasoning, to support for the Marxists in charge, where POLICY brings us waves of illegal immigrants, degradation of law & order, rampant inflation, endless wars, corruption at scale, and the splintering of society.

Your refusal to vote GOP in this election, hands more incremental power to the forces of evil. Sleep well. 🤦‍♂️

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No “hate” here you are just employing emotional tactics over reason. Not an argument. The country has gone so far to the extremist left that there are not really any “conservatives” left for the most part and the choices are far-left neo-marxism (Kamala, well more the DNC really) or center/center-left Trump. You seem to be employing Alinsky-tactics which we see through. In any case the hate is coming mostly from the hard-left media and Big Tech overlords not the frazzled and disjointed center and center-right.

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