Cool kid stories growing up! I'd love to hear some best and worst early dating stories from you guys. We all have funny best and worst dates when we were young!
Just a question: when talking of the S&P, which 200 day moving average do you mean? Simple, Exponential, Weighted? (not every chart interprets them the same). Thanks for both of your insights.
To lead off with "Fats Dillian" was the perfect reverse segway TG. Still the best podcast out there by a country mile.
Too kind Scott. Thank you.
What about Barry Manilow and The Village People !! - I was pissing myself and then realised my parents raised me on Neil Diamond. 😂
Just a fantastic chat guys.
Took me back and I loved it
ahhh great to hear Utopiates.
Cool kid stories growing up! I'd love to hear some best and worst early dating stories from you guys. We all have funny best and worst dates when we were young!
That's a good off market topic. THANKS PAUL.
My first gig ? Stevie Wonder at MSG . Think I was like 12
That’s killer.
It was that one or the Stones at MSG also. I think I was 11 , literally smh🤦
Lol Tony,, what memories of Dr J. Feels like another lifetime ago - showing my age :)
great shout re trading scenarios that involve conflict between fundamentals and techs/price action. One of most challenging aspects of trading IMO.
Just a question: when talking of the S&P, which 200 day moving average do you mean? Simple, Exponential, Weighted? (not every chart interprets them the same). Thanks for both of your insights.